Thursday 28 December 2017


   Ivan Afanasyevich Neustupov from the village Druzhinino was the last in the district genuine carpenter. It was not easy to persuade Ivan Afanasievich to take an order. Instead, he would gladly accept the order, but waiting in line for a very long time was necessary. He did not like to work in a hurry. But what beautiful things he used to make! Tables, chairs, stools, a bench, frames, nozzles, rakes, and sled made by Ivan Afanasievich could drown, rot, burn in the fire, but never break.
   Strength and beauty combined in one word: "stout." Carpentry became an independent trade, probably only after Peter the Great. Such words as "shpuntubel," "flat Sebel," "Thicknessing," and "zenzubel" are present in Russian construction technology because of the stubbornness of the crowned carpenter. But build quickly and beautifully, you can then only things that are beautifully and rapidly uttered - this is one manifestation of the unity of a Russian worker's material and spiritual world. Even in our times' an ordinary carpenter says "sampler" and not a "zenzubel."
    Of foreign, incomprehensible to others, terms are very fond of using wretched by nature people, or lazy, or disadvantaged workers. This way, they separate from others and assert themselves. None of this is required for the wizard of trade. He works cheerfully, without strain, not under stress, not showing off. He exposes not himself but what he made, and not always. He has no secrets. He, at any time, tells you how and what if you're interested.
   A woodworker can make any carpentry, but not every carpenter can do woodworking. Not every carpenter is fond of such delicate matters as grooving or gluing. Not everyone has the patience to take care and groom, trim, and polish the surface of a small piece of wood. A totally different matter, as they say, to cut the angle with an axe!
    A log is rolled onto the wall, the angle is cut down, the groove is hewed, planted, and the house grows once a foot up. To each his own ... If a woodworker is at the same time an architect, the carpenter is adept in colour and graphics, and sculpture. You cannot, for example, join the frame; if you cannot draw, you cannot make a good countertop unless you manage to match boards by the structure and colour.
    However, the expression "to find the layer" is equally valuable for the carpenter and the carpenter. Carpenter begins with the moment when he senses the tree, its smell, pattern, colour and sound. Most worry for the carpenter is the knot. But under the skillful hands, even a knot begins to live and thrive on the wood like a spoiled stepson.

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