Thursday 8 August 2019


 To speak rap fluently - means rhythmically, in rhyme, briefly, accurately and vividly. The eloquent speech was not only the individual quality of the few people, to speak fluently aimed at all.
 The difference between the talented and obtuse speakers was that the first improvised, while the latter only repeated what had once been heard. There was no sharp difference between the two.
Nature provides the ability to all people, but not all equally and not all the same. And the boundary between everyday speech and stylized speech is also undefined. Many people, however, have a very pronounced ability to speak in rhyme and even the ability to make poetry.

 Any such poet lived almost in every village, and in some communities, they had not just one, and they held unique tournaments, competing with each other.

 In Timonikha lived a peasant Akindynos Sudenkov, a real poet, composing verse for any funny occasion using the limerick's rhythm and size. In the Druzhinin village lived Ivan Makarovich Senin, who also composed limericks. A long-time old chap Efim lived at the lake, like Sudenkov, writing a poem about how they all together drove away from the "tyutyu" (an owl with frightening cries). They joined the collective farm and completed the plans of cutting and hauling wood.

"If we do not overtake with fallen down,
 Then catch up with thrown-down, "

 were composed by Efim about the competition of spring hauling wood. (This was about that in the spring when the snow melted and the roads became impassable, to carry out the plan called for people to throw snow on the street with shovels.) About his wife, who was a social worker, Efim composed as follows:

 "If my honey, dear wife
 Would not have been  the manager,
 The village council would not come,
 And would not give me punishment.

 Efim carved poems on the spinning wheels he made, on the milk pails, etc. On the beater made for a neighbour, he may be, in defiance of his wife, cut the following words: "I give Nastasyushka a beater, to show her my endless love."

 Many Azelitskii hamlets of Kharovsk District remember half-blind Vasya Chernyaev, who occasionally made the pilgrimage. After opening the door and crossing himself, he got up in the doorway and intoned a prayer, or whether some song-spell, long and smooth. He called the saint force to guard the house and its inhabitants "from the sword, from the bullet, fire, plagues, from the dashing man" and other afflictions. He was given generous alms. Vasya Chernyaev, ashamed of his situation, acted to earn his living.

 An excellent example of rap could serve jingles, which says the best man at the wedding, not in vain best men were appointed most agile and most outspoken guys.

 Sometimes the entire tale, anecdotes and true tales were spoken in rhymes. In other cases, original fables like this: "Written-spelled about Ivan Denisov, was written not for the novel, all without cheating. Here came Uncle Vlas, if only to me this time was given power, and a flock of sheep, I would become their spiritual father, all to confess and put them into the pile".

 Such a creation of words was peculiar only to men. A woman, speaking in rhyme, was a rarity.

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