Tuesday 6 August 2019


 "Oh, country views!
 Oh, incredible luck to be born
 In the meadows ..."

 ~ Nikolay Rubtsov

 Embracing man from ancient times, the thirst for creation is mysterious and inexplicable by ordinary means. What motivates a person when he builds something? Where and how emerges the spirit of creativity, overcoming static inertia and incites the creation of beautiful, unique, and sometimes physically unsustainable work?
The ancient people extracted not much material utility from the Acropolis or the Roman Forum. And it's utterly incomprehensible that rational men build the stone statues of Easter Island.

 The urge to build, to create, people experience in early childhood when playing, they are building palaces, bridges and houses are not similar to any other, though drawn from the example of other children. Probably not only creativity is involved in building and construction. In their dare to the infinity of the eternal world, people restrict this infinity with a pretty understandable area accessible to ordinary human feelings. Thus, the planet Earth is something definite in the infinity of the world for us. In turn, on the Earth, there is observable by the eye plains or mountains where you live, and on this plain, there is your house, but even in this house, there is the most comfortable place for you.

 Architecture is, above all, an organized space alienated from the infinite Universe by the power of the artistic image. Take away from the immensity a well-defined particle - hence represent, formalize this uncertainty, to make a cozy corner of the cold infinity of space.
 The desire for such a restriction of the area is very pronounced in children in their games, the seriousness of which is not so often taken seriously by adults. For example, the child builds a house by playing in the "cage" (limited to three planks stacked on bricks).     
The conventionality of such a restriction is not alien to adults either. The thin tarpaulin tent that separates from the Universe the accommodation place (a place of comfort and a sense of home) - the bound is more apparent than material, the wall more than expected than exists, as, for example, in a brick cell in the monastery. Still, the traveller finds in the tent his home.

 Comfort is associated with children with a sense of home, a desire to search foxholes. A craving for confined spaces, to the trenches and outcrops containing an element of the labyrinth, the stairs, hills, platforms at different levels, thrust quite close to the architectural creativity. Often, it moves from childhood into adulthood. The roof over your head is the essential thing in life. Being homeless is like being an orphan. Therefore, people built a house above all else—Wandering and vagrancy in many countries prohibited by law. But the moral code is always more robust than the formal law.

 Marya, nicknamed Pachina, remained in Timonikha alone, without a son, with an unfinished hut. After going to ask for alms, she returned to the village in an empty wooden house (without a roof and the ceiling). She was saying: "It's too good to stay at home."

 Another Marya, being a widow, without anybody's assistance, built herself a hut.

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