Tuesday 6 August 2019

* TALK *

 When the evil like a serpent creeps between two people, some stop talking, others begin to speak a roundabout way, insincere, and the third just curse. Consequently, cursing swearing is the same dialogue, only the evil one. But conversation assumes sincerity and kindness. It is elevated to a moral obligation. So that this duty was pleasant, the talk should be figurative, beautiful associated with the art.

 For example, sit two brothers-in-law visiting mother-in-law, eating the porridge.

 - Porridge with butter is better, - says one.

 - It is not true, without butter is much worse"- the other objects.

 - No, with butter is better.

 - Are you crazy? It is worse without butter, ask anybody.

 The art of speaking, equivalent to the art of communication, begins with the ability to think because the thought of an average person is always processed in words. One can not think without words. Dumb can be a feeling, not an idea. A meaningful sense becomes a figurative word.

 The idea of a man in solitude inevitably has the character of the monologue, but in prayer, it acquired the properties of the dialogue. Speech, prayer and conversation with any object of nature filled the consciousness if there were no people around. The need to sing or listen to (noise of forests and singing of birds) is also associated with loneliness. But when people turn out to be with somebody, the conversation moves aside everything else.

 No wonder why wives leave their short-spoken husbands.

 Lone elderly living in remote, neglected villages talk to animals (a cow, goat, etc.). While such talks are more like a monologue, some animals are quite aware of being scolded or shamed and praised and encouraged. And the animals express in their own way that understanding.

 Since the Novgorod republic, there has been the custom to greet strangers, not to mention friends and relatives in the Northern villages.

 Not saying hello when you met with even the most unpleasant man was just unthinkable, and after greeting him, you must stop even for a minute and exchange a few, often funny, words. But, of course, being busy or traffic conditions would excuse a full-scale dialogue or conversation. But not to talk under favourable circumstances was considered embarrassing, obscene, and binding to the following explanation.

 Art of conversation as a genre of oral tradition is expressed in the ability to naturally start a conversation, the skill of listening, the appropriateness of the replicas, and sincere interest. But the main thing lies in imagery, which implies humour and conciseness. Good-natured laugh at yourself, not passing into self-flagellation, always considered a sign of moral strength and integrity. People with self-irony often owned a talent for figurative speech. Those who are not born with such ability used previously established, and although the image by mediocre talker turned into a cliché, it was still better than nothing.
    Thus, the question: "How are you?" - A typical response was familiar to all: "It is white as soot." But a man with a sense of humour is bound to say something like: "Yes, I have it good, but for father's son, it is uneven."
 Allegories and proverbs, good joking, replaced everything else in a conversation between friends or good acquaintances, like those relatives who were arguing about mother-in-law porridge.

 Akindyn Fadeev from the village Lobanikha went to get water from the creek while doing a forest hay-making.

 - "What do you have in the pot, then, isn't it sour cream?" - asks his sweaty neighbour, who also mowed hay nearby.

 Akindyn stopped for a moment: - "No. I went for water. Almost spilled water, so scared.

 - Why?

 - Well, a bird flew out, nose to nose. Probably it was a sandpiper."

 And the men again began to mow. Nobody would have heard anything unusual in their very brief conversation if only Fadeev and his neighbour had not owned generic nicknames. Akindinov was called behind his back Sour Cream, and his neighbour was called Sandpiper.

 "What kind of man are you?" -is heard in the corridor of the State Farm dining room.

 - Why?

 - You received the ration, and now also going to have dinner.

 - But I am still hungry!

 - You have to have a conscience ..."

 In this very brief conversation, maybe there would be nothing special if a married womanizer was shamed, inclined to look in someone else's garden. However, the word "ration" applied in such an unexpected situation means a lot to the experienced person.

 The ability to speak figuratively, especially by women, is the cause of many ridiculous rumours. After several oral transmissions, any ordinary case overgrows with graphic details, getting the plot and compositional harmony. Banal, flat, documentary-accurate and dry news did not suit women in their conversations.

 In these cases, the acquired plot is always used to express the moral perfectionism of folk rumours.

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